Maria Valentina

Your Pet's New best friend!

19 times favorited
3 tilbagevendende gæster
Senest kontaktet for 11 dage siden
Svarer normalt inden for et par timer
2 timer siden
Sidste aktivitet
Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos sitteren
75 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
300 DKK
Alle tjenester og priser

Om Maria Valentina

Hello! we are Maria Valentina and Bart - two animal lovers based in Ydre Østerbro. We both love dogs and cats. We think this is the best job ever because we get to meet many different animals and we love spending time with them. The reason of being a pet sitter is mostly having a great time together, going in walks, play and fill our life with joy.

We live in a cozy apartment where your best friend will be able to play and relax. Living close to Ryparken, Fælledparken, and Kildevældsparken, we are lucky to have access to some great off-leash areas that dogs adore. As we both work from home, your best friend will have plenty of company throughout the day. We'll take them out for multiple walks each day and provide regular updates with photos to keep you informed on how they're doing.

We understand how difficult it can be to leave your pet behind, and we'll do everything we can to make sure they're comfortable and happy during their stay. I guarantee your best friend will be taken care of and have a great time with us.

We're excited at the opportunity of taking care of your pet and hope that you'll consider us for your next time you need it! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to schedule a meet-and-greet.

Best regards,

Valentina and Bart

Maria Valentinas serviceydelser

Hjemme hos dyresitteren.

Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos passer
75 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
300 DKK
Din hund overnatter hjemme hos en hundepasser
100 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
300 DKK

Hjemme hos dig.

House Sitting
Huspasseren bor i dit hjem dag og nat, og passer både på kæledyr og hus.
300 DKK

Annulleringsbetingelser: Fleksibel

Fuld refusion hvis annulleret før kl. 12 én dag før bookingstart, herefter 50%.

Der gives ingen refusion, hvis aflysningen gennemføres eller efter bookingens startdato.

Bemærk: Alle klokkeslæt er baseret på dyrepasserens tidszone.


Profilens autenticitet
Behandling af kæledyr
Tomoe, 2024-07-26

Maria Valentina and Bart took excellent care of our dog, Hana, for two weeks. They sent us daily updates with pictures, which made us very happy. They walked her frequently, keeping her happy and fit. We highly recommend them for anyone looking for trustworthy and attentive pet sitters.

Madalina, 2024-05-15

Our 2 Dachshunds were well taken care by Maria and Bart for a week and I can confidently recommend them to anyone who needs a trustworthy dog sitter! Maria and Bart are kind, friendly and very attentive to the dogs’ needs, and that made us feel at ease. We received photos and messages during the entire period and felt relieved our dogs were happy and well taken care of. Thank you Maria Valentina and Bart!

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Om Maria Valentinas hjem

Accepterede kæledyr

< 1 år
Accepterede hundestørrelser
0-80 kg
Accepterede hundealdre
0-20 år
alle slags
alle slags
Lille dyr
gnavere, kaniner, ...

Maria Valentinas hjem

En lejlighed
Mellemstort udeområde
Har ingen børn
Fuldt indhegnet baggård


Dyrepark uden snor i nærheden
Strand & Bypark


Specifikke kompetencer

Jeg taler Engelsk & Italiensk & Spansk & Dansk
<5 års erfaring
I pet sited for about three years while I was studying my bachelor. I hosted many cats and dogs in my apartment, especially for overnight stays. I have also volunteered several times in car shelters while I was studying. On top of that I have had pets all my life: Birds, cats, rabbits and dogs. I know how to take care of them and guarantee a happy life.

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Telefoninterview gennemført
Maria Valentina

Maria Valentina

Your Pet's New best friend!

Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos sitteren
75 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
300 DKK
Alle tjenester og priser
Kontakt Maria Valentina

Annulleringsbetingelser: Fleksibel

Fuld refusion hvis annulleret før kl. 12 én dag før bookingstart, herefter 50%.

Der gives ingen refusion, hvis aflysningen gennemføres eller efter bookingens startdato.

Bemærk: Alle klokkeslæt er baseret på dyrepasserens tidszone.

Book via Pawshake, og få premium garanti, support, bookinggaranti, ingen bookingændringsgebyr, sikre kontantløse betalinger, billedopdateringer mere!

Kontakt Maria Valentina