
Animal lover looking to make your life easier

22uger siden
Sidste aktivitet
Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos sitteren
50 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
150 DKK
Alle tjenester og priser

Ikke tilgængelig

Kaja er i øjeblikket ikke ledig til at acceptere nye bookinger.

Om Kaja

My name is Kaja, I'm a 23 year old girl from Germany, but living in Frederiksberg. I work as a sales manager for a fashion agency. I would love to have my own furry friend one day, but I am not ready for a full time dog yet, and I travel quite a bit for work. That's why I hope to find some animal love in my life and also help you out! I love going on long walks and would love to have a dog companion. I usually walk in Frederiksberg Have or around the lakes. I will make sure your dog is getting to enjoy the fresh air, rain or shine! I am very good at making sure they are staying on the leash when we are walking together, but if it is okay and we are at a park, it would be fun to let them run around!

I grew up with 3 cats (who live with my parents currently but I miss very much) and have also always been dog sitting when friends are out of town, or just for walks before or after work! I love dogs and cats of all ages and sizes!


When I am not traveling for work, I am always available! I am a morning person so walks before or after work are always okay! Plus I love to see a sun rise when the city is still calm! Weekend walks are always nice as well! I will be sure to take them out for at least an hour each time to make sure they get enough exercise! I am also open to home visits to take care of your furry friend, as well as have them stay with me in my apartment (maximum 3 nights). I live by myself in a 85 square meter apartment, so there is lots of space to play, and there is always a spot on the couch for cuddles! I have flexibility with my work to either leave a couple times a day or to work from home so I can be a companion for your pet!

I would love the opportunity to meet you ahead of time, as well as meet your dog or cat to make sure we are a match!

Enjoy your day,


Kajas serviceydelser

Hjemme hos dyresitteren.

Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos passer
50 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
150 DKK
Din hund overnatter hjemme hos en hundepasser
100 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
350 DKK

Hjemme hos dig.

Find en som kan lufte din hund når du ikke selv har tid
50 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
100 DKK
Et hjemmebesøg om dagen
Book en sitter, der kommer forbi for at fodre og lege med dit kæledyr hjemme hos dig.
250 DKK
House Sitting
Huspasseren bor i dit hjem dag og nat, og passer både på kæledyr og hus.
400 DKK
To hjemmebesøg om dagen
Dit kæledyr får to daglige besøg i hjemmet
350 DKK

Kaja tilbyder også

Annulleringsbetingelser: Fleksibel

Fuld refusion hvis annulleret før kl. 12 én dag før bookingstart, herefter 50%.

Der gives ingen refusion, hvis aflysningen gennemføres eller efter bookingens startdato.

Bemærk: Alle klokkeslæt er baseret på dyrepasserens tidszone.


Profilens autenticitet
Behandling af kæledyr
Kei, 2023-06-06

I found that she is really good at taking care of animals through my experience because she could understand about my dog’s character without asking me much. What’s more she tries to stay with them as much as she can, and she is always reporting me what they do with friendly messages and pictures quickly if necessary, so you don’t need to worry about asking her to take care of your pets!


Om Kajas hjem

Accepterede kæledyr

< 1 år
Accepterede hundestørrelser
0-40 kg
Accepterede hundealdre
0-20 år
alle slags

Kajas hjem

En lejlighed
Mellemstort udeområde
Har ingen børn


Dyrepark uden snor i nærheden
Urbant, Strand & Bypark


Specifikke kompetencer

Jeg taler Engelsk & Tysk
<5 års erfaring
I work well with dogs and cats of all ages and sizes as well as different personalities! I am easily adaptable and will love and take really good care of your pet

Har erfaring med

Dyrevelfærd som frivillig
At redde kæledyr


Telefoninterview gennemført


Animal lover looking to make your life easier

Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos sitteren
50 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
150 DKK
Alle tjenester og priser

Ikke tilgængelig

Kaja er i øjeblikket ikke ledig til at acceptere nye bookinger.

Annulleringsbetingelser: Fleksibel

Fuld refusion hvis annulleret før kl. 12 én dag før bookingstart, herefter 50%.

Der gives ingen refusion, hvis aflysningen gennemføres eller efter bookingens startdato.

Bemærk: Alle klokkeslæt er baseret på dyrepasserens tidszone.

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